
The biography

ANDREY A. KONOPLYANIK, Dr. of Sc., Professor
(born 22.03.1953, graduated from Moscow special school # 14 with advanced education of English language in 1970)

Professional Career

1970-1975 (1975-1978): Student (Post-Graduate), Energy Economics Faculty, Moscow Institute of Management,
November 1978: Ph.D. in Energy Economics (from Moscow Institute of Management) with the title of the Ph.D thesis: "The Role of North Sea Oil in Energy Supplies of Western Europe",
1979-1990: Research Fellow, International Energy Economics Division, Institute of World Economy & International Relations, USSR Academy of Sciences,
1990-1991: Chief Expert, Division for Market Analysis, Department for Foreign Trade & External Economic Relations, USSR State Planning Committee (GOSPLAN)/USSR Ministry of Economics and Forecasting,
December 1991 - June 1993: Deputy-Minister on external economic relations & foreign investments of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy,
July 1993 - May 1995: Post-Doctorate at the State Academy of Management, Moscow,
October 1993 - January 1994: Special Adviser on foreign investments to the First Deputy Prime-Minister of RF Government E.Gaidar,
April 1994 - March 2002: Adviser to the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (since 2000 – RF Ministry of Energy),
April 1994 –1998: Head of Intra-Ministerial Working Group on drafting a package of normative documents on PSA,
April 1994 – December 1995: Head of the State Duma's Expert Group on redrafting Concession Law,
June 1994 - December 1999: Adviser to the RF State Duma, 
June 1994 - December 1995: Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Economic Policy (Sub-Committee on External Economic Relations and Foreign Investments),
June 1994 - till 2006: Visiting Principal Research Fellow (since February 2000 – Visiting Chief Research Fellow), Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Department of International Economic Relations), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
July 1994 - March 2002: Adviser to the RF Ministry of Finance,
November 1994 - December 1999: Head of the RF State Duma's Expert Group on drafting PSA Law,
May 1995: Dr. оf Science in Energy Economics (from State Academy of Management) with the title of the thesis: "System Approach to the Involvement of Foreign Investments into Russian Energy Economy",
December 1995 – December 1999: Head of Consultants to the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources & Natural Resources’ Management (Subcommittee on Investments into Natural Resources),
May 1996 - June 1999: Executive Director & Member of the Board of Directors, Russian Bank for Reconstruction & Development,
March 1997 – January 2000: Head of Consultants on foreign investments to the RF Ministry of Economics,
September 1997 - June 2002: Visiting lecturing professor on “World energy markets & transportation systems” to the State University of Management, Moscow (Institute of Management in energy economy, Chair on Management in the international energy business),
March 1998 - till nowadays: Member of RF Council for Foreign & Defense Policy,
April 1999 - March 2002: President of the Energy and Investment Policy & Project Financing Development Foundation (ENIP&PF),
July 1999 – January 2000: Head of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (Ministry of Energy) on drafting the new Conceptual Framework for Russian Oil & Gas Development,
January 2000 - March 2002: Adviser to the RF Ministry of Economics/Ministry for Economic Development & Trade,
February 2000 – March 2002: Member of the Ad Hoc Working Group (Head of Oil Section and Investment Policy Section) of the RF Ministry for Fuel & Energy (Ministry of Energy) on drafting the “Energy Strategy of Russia to 2020”,
March 2001 – March 2002: Member of the Expert Council under the Head of the State Duma Commission on the Legal Issues of the PSAs,
March 2002 – April 2008: Deputy Secretary General, Energy Charter Secretariat (Brussels, Belgium),
July 2008 – September 2011: Adviser to the Board, GPB Neftegas Services B.V., Moscow branch, & Consultant to the Board, Gazprombank (Moscow, Russia),
July 2008 – till nowadays: Member of the Scientific & Expert Council (Academic Board), Foundation “Institute for Energy & Finance”,
October 2008 – February 2020: Visiting Lecturing Professor, Chair "International Oil and Gas Business", Russian State Gubkin Oil and Gas University (special course “Evolution of international oil and gas markets and investment protection instruments in energy”),
January 2010 – April 2017: coordinator of Russian expert team at the informal expert consultations of Russia/Gazprom Group and energy regulators and transmission systems operators of the EU member-states with participation of the EU Commission on the problematic issues of implementation of the Third EU Energy Package with due consideration of the justified concerns of the Russian side,
July 2011 – March 2022: member of the Gas Advisory Council under Coordinators of the Russia-EU Energy Dialogue - Minister of Energy of Russia and EU Energy Commissioner, Russian Co-chair of GAC Work stream 2 “Internal Markets” (in March 2022 European Commission has suspended EU’s engagement under GAC WS2 for a non-determined period of time),
September 2011 – May 2012: Director for energy markets regulation & project leader, Foundation established by Gazprombank & Gazprom export “Institute for Energy and Finance”,
January 2012: received Professor’s degree from the Russian Gubkin State Oil & Gas University at the Chair “International Oil & Gas Business”,
October 2012 – October 2015: member of the International Awarding Committee on the “Global Energy” Prize,
January 2013 – August 2023: Adviser to Director General, Gazprom export LLC,
2015-2018, 2018-2021: Member of the Strategy Committee, International Gas Union,
September 2022 – August 2023: Visiting Lecturing Professor, Chair of world economy, Diplomatic Academy, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (special course “Evolution of international energy markets and investment protection instruments in energy”).


Prof. Konoplyanik is a:
- member of the New York Academy of Sciences (since 1994);
- member of the International Association for Energy Economics (since 1997);
- member of the International Bar Association (since 1997);
- member pf the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (since 1999);
- Associate Member (since 2015) and Distinguished Fellow (since 2021) of the Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE), Athens, Greece;
- Member of the Academic Board of the China Electricity Council – International Energy Charter Joint Research Center, Brussels, Belgium – Beijing, China (since 2019);
- member of the Scientific Council for System research inn Energy, Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2020);
- was a Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Energy, Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK (1994-2019);
- was an Associate Member (2018-2022) and a Honorary Professor (2019-2022) of the Center for Energy Law, Aberdeen University, Scotland, UK.

Prof. Konoplyanik is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal  “Neftegazovaya Vertical” (Oil & Gas Vertical), an associate editor of “Energy Strategy Reviews” and “Oil, Gas & Energy Law (OGEL)” journals, and member of the Expert Board of the journal “Neft, Gaz I Pravo” (Oil, Gas and Law). He was a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Neft Rossii” (Oil of Russia) through the time of its publishing, and of the International Advisory Board of “Energy Policy” journal till March 2023.

Prof. Konoplyanik has published more than 700 articles both in the USSR/Russia and abroad, has participated in writing more than 90 monographs (incl. 20 individual ones), he is a frequent speaker at different international energy conferences. Full list of publications and presentations of Prof. Konoplyanik, as well as his writings and presentations themselves, are available on this web-site. 

Prof. Konoplyanik is married and has two daughters and two grand-sons.

New Inputs



744. Этапы большого пути СРП. // Вести. ООО «Сахалинская энергия», июнь 2024, с.12

743. Второй транзитный план Роберта Фицо. Как премьер Словакии намерен сохранить прокачку газа через Украину в Словакию. // «Ведомости», 19.06.2024

742. Этапы большого пути закона «О Соглашениях о разделе продукции». // «Газовая промышленность», 2024, спецвыпуск №2 (866), с.142-144


Децентрализованная газификация на основе малотоннажного СПГ, беспилотных грузовых дирижаблей и модульной энергетической инфраструктуры. Байкальский регион как один из возможных пилотных проектов для российского Зауралья и Арктической зоны, а затем Евразии, Африки, Латинской Америки... // Выступление на IV Всероссийской конференции «Региональная энергетическая политика Прибайкальской территории», ИСЭМ СО РАН, Байкальск, 04-06.06.2024 (онлайн)

ЦУР ООН и борьба с энергетической бедностью в Евразии - по какой модели выстраивать энергетическое сотрудничество (избежать трех ловушек). // Выступление на круглом столе: «Российское энергетическое сотрудничество с Китаем и Индией: вызовы и перспективы», Москва, ВШЭ, 26.04.2024

ЦУР ООН, борьба с энергетической бедностью в Евразии, Африке, Латинской Америке и инструменты минимизации инвестиционных рисков. // Выступление на ежегодной международной конференции «Эволюция международной торговой системы», секция «Трансформация мировой энергетики под влиянием геополитических шоков и климатической политики», сессия «Геополитические шоки и мировая энергетика», Экономический факультет СПбГУ, Санкfт-Петербург, 11-12.04.2024

TV/Radio Interviews and Comments

№10. 12.06.2024: Участие в программе «Лабиринт Карнаухова» на тему «второй шанс для Фицо». // Телеканал «СоловьевLive».

№9. 06.06.2024: Андрей Конопляник в программе «Большой эфир» (о том, что США готовы дать кредит Украине за счет доходов от активов РФ в обмен на бессрочное продление антироссийских санкций Евросоюзом). // Телеканал News Front, Радио «Таврия», Программа «Мнения». Материал на сайте

№8. 04.06.2024: Участие в программе «Лабиринт Карнаухова» с обсуждением причинно-следственных связей основных значимых для России событий в международной энергетике. // Телеканал «СоловьевLive».


107. Appendix: Gas infrastructure in Eurasia and the role of the Energy Charter: transit issues between Russia and European Union in the past and investment issues within Asian part of Eurasia in the future (pp.507-522). – in: Commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, 2nd edition, Edited by Rafael Leal-Arcas, Edward Elgar Publishing / Elgar Commentaries series, 05 December 2023, 596 pp. (ISBN: 978 1 03531 627 4)

106. Chapter 4: Russia-EU energy relations: Most recent stages of long-term fluctuations and future research agenda (pp.57-92) ( – in “A Research Agenda for Energy Politics”, Edited by Jennifer I. Considine, Sylvain Cote, Douglas Cooke, and Geoffrey Wood, Edward Elgar Publishing, 25.04.2023, 388 pp. (ISBN: 978 1 78990 175 7)

105. Эволюция энергетических рынков и механизмов ценообразования на невозобновляемые энергоресурсы (глава 1, с.15-67) – в кн.: «Биржевая торговля энергоресурсами: истоки и развитие» (монография / авторский коллектив) под ред. Н.А. Иванова. – М.: РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина, 2022, 367 с. (ISBN 978-5-91961-459-3).Титульный лист и оглавление.